Wine & Siena 2020

Wine & Siena 2020 represented my first time as a wine blogger for my thrill to pick up the press kit instead of delivering it!

It was the fifth edition of the event held Feb. 1 to 3 at Palazzo Squarcialupi, at the museum complex of Santa Maria della Scala, Siena's old hospital built opposite the Cathedral between the late 12th century and mid-15th century and which housed nursing wards until the early 1980s.

Organized as always by the promoters of Merano Wine Festival in synergy with Confcommercio of Siena and the Siena-Arezzo Chamber of Commerce and the City of Siena, presented the best food and wine products awarded The WineHunter Award.

Once again this year, the event, which opens Italy's wine events, provided a fine showcase for numerous gastronomic excellences and hosted various Italian exhibitors from the sectors wine, food, spirits, beer and extrawine In a unique location.

Great success with the public in the days of Saturday, February 1 and Sunday, February 2 with long queues in the cathedral square, while Monday, February 3 the day was dedicated to industry professionals, journalists and bloggers.

Showcooking and symposiums, seminars and benifica auction, among Rocca Salimbeni, the historic headquarters of Monte dei Paschi, Sansedoni Palace, headquarters of the Monte dei Paschi Foundation, Municipal Palace in the Piazza del Campo, the chancellor's palace and the Grand Hotel Continental: really busy schedule that complemented the activities of the food and wine tasting counters set up on the various floors of the Squarcialupi Palace.

Wine producers from all regions of Italy, a representation of 3 French champagne producers (Gremillet, Froment Griffon and Lallier), some distilleries and a selection of specialty foods. Tuscany is certainly the most represented region with winemakers from every consortium and production area, followed by Veneto, Piedmont and Lombardy, many emblazoned wineries alongside small producers who personally attend the tasting desk and with whom it is always a pleasure to chat.

Many confirmations and some nice new features.

Among the Tuscans in Val d'Orcia Capitoni and Poggio Grande, in Montepulciano Cantine Dei, in Chianti Classico Tolaini and Castello di Ama, for Colli Fiorentini I Balzini and for Carmignano Artimino.

From South Tyrol the Abbey of Novacella and Castelfederer, for Lombardy the Perla del Garda and from Sicily Firriato.


More and more Women of Wine in the Spotlight And that can only give me great pleasure.

Kudos to the organizers, greetings to producers and colleagues, and see you next year!

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