Collio Day 2019

Also in Siena, as in twelve other Italian cities, Collio Day was celebrated on March 1!

Interesting evening of insight and tasting with theΒ Collio Consortium, which for 50 years has been enhancing and promoting the wine excellence of the Doc Collio territory.. the wineries Kurtin,Β the Castello Di Spessa Golf & Wine Resort, and a fantastic pairing with the Montasio cheese!

Since 1906 Cantine Kurtin has been producing high-quality wine in the hills of CormΓ²ns in the Collio region of Friuli, a tradition and centuries of work from father to son for more than 100 years. In 1970 the farm became a winery, abandoning traditional cultivation to focus exclusively on wine production and the planting of new vineyards for the production of Chardonnay, Friulano, Malvasia, Pinot bianco, Pinot grigio, Ribolla gialla, Sauvignon, aromatic Traminer and Cabernet franc, Merlot and Rosso collio.

Spessa Castle dates back to 1200, but it was not until the last century that Giorgio Stavro di Santarosa started a major winery producing Bianco doc and Rosso doc collio, Friulano, Sauvignon, Pinot bianco, Pinot grigio, Ribolla gialla, Pinot nero and Merlot.

The territory pairings were with Montasio cheese, which must be produced according to certain and very precise factors of typicality: the first fundamental factor is precisely the area of origin: Friuli, eastern Veneto in the provinces of Belluno and Treviso and in part the provinces of Padua and Venice; the second is the milk, a factor that is closely linked to the environment, its climate, and its vegetation; the third is the adoption of soft technology to go along with the slow formation of the product; and the fourth is the branding of the cheese at production, which guarantees its origin and compliance with all the characteristics set out in the specifications.

At the end of the evening, one certainty: confirmation that I passionately love Friulano! 😍

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